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ICRP International

Conference on Recovery After Nuclear Accidents

Radiological Protection Lessons
from Fukushima and Beyond

December 1 - 18, 2020


The Role of Residents


Hiroko Yoshida - Tohoku University (Japan)
Michio Murakami - Fukushima Medical University (FMU, Japan)

Scheduled Presentations


Involving Residents in Environmental Research Activities: Lessons from the Yamakiya District

Tetsuo Yasutaka (AIST, Japan)


Experience of Residents with the ICRP Dialogue

Takahiro Hanzawa (NPO Fukushima Dialogue, Japan)


To Create a Hopeful Future

Norino Sakata , Kurumi Nomoto, Ren Matsubara, Moe Higuchi, Hikaru Takahashi (Students of Fukushima High School, Japan)


A Testimony as a Resident and as a Consultant

Maiko Momma (Radiological Consultant of Suetsugi, Japan)


A Testimony of a Resident of Odaka District in Minami-Soma: "The community is not something that someone creates, but something that is naturally formed."

Yuko Hirohata (Resident of Odaka, Japan)


A Testimony of an Evacuee from Difficult-to-Return Areas in Namie Town: The Role as a Chief of Hatagawa Administrative District

Motoi Saito (Resident of Namie, Japan)

Complementary Presentations

Risk Communication in the Recovery Phase after a Nuclear Accident: The Contribution of the ‘Co-expertise Process’.

T. Zar Win

Analysis of Public Comments on the ICRP Revision Draft Reveals the Importance of the Citizens’ Role in Future Radiation Protection

A. Ueda

Dialogue as Therapy? The Fukushima Dialogues & the Role of the Expert

M. Takahashi

Organised by


Hosted by

Inquiries for further information can be directed to Hiroki Fujita, ICRP Assistant Scientific Secretary.

© 2020 ICRP, International Commission on Radiological Protection

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