Vertical Migration of Chernobyl Migration of Chernoybyl-Origin 137Cs in the Contaminated Areas of the Republic of Belarus
O. Zhukova (Ministry of Public Health, Belarus), Z. Bakarykava (Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Belarus), L. Rozdyalouskaya (Ministry of Public Health, Belarus)
Previous experience confirms that the Chernobyl-origin radionuclides migrate through natural environment that may affect decisions on remediation actions. The investigation was conducted to estimate changes in radionuclide migration processes in soils of Belarus contaminated areas. The paper presents the results of studies of vertical 137Cs migration for the period 1993 - 2016 on four soil types typical for Belarus territories: turfy-podzolic sandy soil, turfy-podzolic with temporary surplus humidification sandy soil, turfy-humus-peaty-gley soil, and alluvial peat-gley soil.
Observations were made on the network of landscape-geochemical polygons, laid in zones with typical soil-geochemical and radioactive conditions. For the last few years the radionuclide penetration depth has not practically increased and is within 10 cm for automorphic soils and 12-16 cm for semihydromorphic soils.
During the last 10-15 years convective transfer ceased to play an important role in the redistribution of 137Cs along the soil profile. Diffusion remains the dominant mechanism of 137Cs migration.
O. Zhukova (Ministry of Public Health, Belarus), Z. Bakarykava (Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Belarus), L. Rozdyalouskaya (Ministry of Public Health, Belarus)
観察は典型的な土壌の地球化学的・放射性条件を有する区画単位で描かれた景観の地球化学的ポリゴンのネットワーク上で行われた。ここ数年間、放射性核種の侵入深さは実質的に増加しておらず、自形土壌では10 cm以内、半水成土壌では12~16 cm以内である。過去10~15年の間に、137Csの土壌プロファイル沿いの再分布において対流移行が重要な役割を果たさなくなった。拡散が依然として137Csの移行における支配的なメカニズムである。