Regulatory Approach to Management of Radioactive Waste Generated During Remediation Activities in the Chernobyl Contaminated Areas
L. Rozdyalouskaya (Ministry of Health, Belarus)
It is known, that remediation activities in the areas, affected by radiological accidents result in generation of huge volumes of very low-level radioactive waste that can overwhelm national capabilities and be out of the existing national regulation requirements for the radioactive waste management. This may pose a challenge for adoption of adequate waste management strategy and application of regulations commensurate with the waste hazard. The Republic of Belarus faced the problem after Chernobyl Accident when performing remediation activity in the contaminated areas. The paper presents experience of the Republic of Belarus in overcoming the challenges and conflicts arisen in the process of development of rational strategy for safety management of remediation waste (RemW), its justification and optimization, bearing in mind the need for adopting advanced regulatory instruments of relevance to the management of RemW as well as ensuring public confidence in the trueness of regulatory decisions.
L. Rozdyalouskaya (Ministry of Health, Belarus)