Dose Predictions by Coupling ADDAM with Three-modeled Source Terms, Cross-comparison Among the Results from the Source Terms and with the Observed Data
S. Chouhan, A. Morreale (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, CNL, Canada)
As part of an international study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, source terms were predicted using integral severe accident codes.These source terms included significant uncertainties due to many missing pieces of information from this very complicated accident.The validity of these predicted source terms was evaluated by coupling them with Atmospheric Dispersion and Dose Analysis Method (ADDAM) code and by predicting accumulated doses for 21 days, and cross-checking the results from each source terms with dose measurement data. This work provided experience in plying the code in a real situation, constructing meteorological data, itching data together to cover missing data, and also provided insights to improving the model.Future work will include testing our accident recovery models (i.e., Chalk River Environmental search agricultural Pathways Analysis Code (CHERPAC), and Chalk River Environmental Research Urban Contamination and Dose Model (CHERURB).
Sohan Chouhan, Andrew Morreale (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, CNL, Canada)