Evolution of Dose Criteria for Planning Protective Measures and Ensuring the Safety of the Population of the Republic of Belarus After the Chernobyl Accident
N. Vlasova(The Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Belarus), V. Averin (Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Belarus)
The affected areas – zones – were designated with an equal account for both, external and internal exposures following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. In the emergency post-accident phase, the zones were established based on the mean value of ambient gamma dose rates adjusted to May 10, 1986. The values of deposition densities of long-lived 134,137Cs, 90Sr, 239,240 Pu in topsoil, their accumulation in foodstuffs and dietary habits of local residents were taken into account, too. Settlements were dived into groups based on the dose estimates and the USSR Ministry of Health’s temporary annual dose limit of 100 mSv, both exposures included. The averted dose in 1986 amounted to 1-40 mSv and made up 15-20 percent of the committed dose owing to evacuation of residents, pregnant women and children above all. The temporary dose limit was revised with a gradually changing radiological situation changing to 30 mSv/year in 1987-88 and 25 mSv/year in 1988-89.
N. Vlasova(The Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Belarus), V. Averin (Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Belarus)
チェルノブイリ発電所の原子力事故後、内部被ばくと外部被ばく両方で同一の理由により被災地-区域-が指定された。こうした区域は緊急事故後段階で、1986年5月10日に合わせた周辺ガンマ線量率の平均値に基づき定められた。表土での長寿命134Cs、137Cs、90Sr、239Pu、240Puの堆積密度値、それらの食品での蓄積、及び地元住民の食習慣も考慮された。居住地が線量推定値と、100 mSvというソ連保健省の一時的な年間線量限度(内部被ばくと外部被ばく両方を含む)に基づきグループ分けされた。とりわけ住民、妊婦、児童の避難により1986年の回避線量は1~40 mSvに達し、預託線量の15~20%を占めた。一時的な線量限度は放射線状況の段階的変化につれ修正され、1987~88年に30 mSv/年、1988~89年に25 mSv/年へと変更された。