Problems of Organizing Long-term Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Radioactively Contaminated Areas of Agricultural Production (Experience of Kyshtym and Chernobyl Accidents)
B. Prister (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), T. Lev (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), M. Talerko (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), A. Nosovskyi (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), Y. Onishi (Yasuo Onishi Consulting, LLC; Washington State University, USA), O. Tischenko (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine)
The analysis of the effectiveness of measures to reduce the concentration of the radionuclides in crop and livestock products after major radiation accidents is carried out. During the rehabilitation of agricultural production areas after the Chernobyl accident, the effectiveness of the territory zoning in terms of 137Cs concentration in products was shown using values intervals of <0.7; 0.7 - 3; and >3 maximum permitted levels.
On the example of the Chernobyl and Fukushima-1 accidents, a methodology for radioecological zoning of the territory using the landscape-basin principle and GIS technologies has been developed. The elementary landscape is considered as a unified object of monitoring, forecasting, product control, and countermeasures subsystems. This makes it possible to predict product contamination for each landscape, and in compliance with the priorities to identify areas of high radiological criticality where the standard is expected to be exceeded, and apply countermeasures.
B.S. Prister (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), T.D. Lev (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), M.M. Talerko (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), A.V. Nosovskyi (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine), Y. Onishi (Yasuo Onishi Consulting, LLC; Washington State University, USA), O.G. Tischenko (Institute for Safety Problem of Nuclear Power Plants, NAS, Ukraine)
重大放射線事故後に農作物や畜産物の放射性核種濃度を低下させる対策の実効性に関する分析を実施する。チェルノブイリ事故後に農業生産地域を復旧している際の、作物の137Cs濃度による地域設定の実効性を< 0.7、0.7~3、> 3という最大許容レベルの値間隔を用いて示した。